Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New beginnings

So I am officially moving out of my parents' house beginning tomorrow! I have so many things running through my mind. I'm excited to finally be gaining my own independence. I'm nervous to have to budget a lot tighter and not be able to spend as much on random stuff all the time. I'm relieved to have finally found a place to move into that isn't expensive, far from work, or far from my parents. I'm sad to be leaving my parents house, but it'll definitely be a growing up experience.

I lived away from home when I was in New York for a year and a half, but I didn't have to pay rent or for food, and I did have to answer to an adult in a way. I couldn't just leave the house or come home whenever I wanted to. Sure, it's not like I'm going to go out and party now that I am out of mom and dad's, because I still have a job that I have to get up for at 6:45 every morning! But it will just be nice to not have them worry so much if I don't get home on those times where I am out a little later than normal! I understand it comes naturally to parents to worry, but at the same time, I've never given them a reason to worry! It gets to be a little frustrating at times.

So I'm not moving all in one day, I have to go over to the house tonight and sort of survey the room and see how much stuff I can fit into it! Then tomorrow I'll start bringing stuff over there and over the course of a few days or a week I'll get it all settled! It's only 10 minutes from my house but I do have a lot of stuff to move!

Anyways, this was longer than I intended and it's probably not the most interesting thing for you all to read but I like kind of getting all my thoughts out for once! :) I promise that once I have the time I'll update this with some fun pictures and things.

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